Font Aid V: Made For Japan
A typeface made of glyphs representing Japan. To raise funds to expedite relief efforts after the earthquake and tsunami that devastated the country in March 2011.
Font Aid VI: Aster Affects
A typeface consisting entirely of asterisks and other star-inspired symbols. Created to support the Red Cross after Hurricane Sandy, which struck portions of the Caribbean, mid-Atlantic, and northeastern United States in October 2012.
Font Aid VII: Here Comes the Sun
A typeface consisting of images based on the eight-rayed sun from the Philippine flag. To raise funds for the Philippine Red Cross, after the events of Typhoon Haiyan, in November 2013. For the Philippine people, the golden sun on their flag embodies their unity, freedom, democracy, and sovereignty — each ray of the sun representing one of the eight provinces involved in the country's 1896 revolution against Spain.